Array Transformer
Write a program to transform an array A[1], A[2],..., A[n] according to m instructions. Each instruction (L, R, v, p) means: First, calculate how many numbers from A[L] to A[R](inclusive) are strictly less than v, call this answer k. Then, change the value of A[p] to u*k/(R - L + 1), here we use integer division (i.e. ignoring fractional part).
The first line of input contains three integer n, m, u ( 1n300, 000, 1m50, 000, 1u1, 000, 000, 000). Each of the next n lines contains an integer A[i] ( 1A[i]u). Each of the next m lines contains an instruction consisting of four integers L, R, v, p ( 1LRn, 1vu, 1pn).
Print n lines, one for each integer, the final array.
Sample Input
10 1 11123456789102 8 6 10
Sample Output
Explanation: There is only one instruction: L = 2, R = 8, v = 6, p = 10. There are 4 numbers (2,3,4,5) less than 6, so k = 4. The new number in A[10] is 11*4/(8 - 2 + 1) = 44/7 = 6.
1 #include2 using namespace std; 3 typedef long long LL; 4 const int maxn = 300000 + 10; 5 const int SIZE = 4096; 6 int n,m,u,A[maxn],block[maxn/SIZE+1][SIZE]; 7 void init() { 8 scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&u); 9 int b = 0,j = 0;10 for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {11 scanf("%d",A+i);12 block[b][j] = A[i];13 if(++j == SIZE) {14 b++;15 j = 0;16 }17 }18 for(int i = 0; i < b; ++i)19 sort(block[i],block[i] + SIZE);20 if(j) sort(block[b],block[b]+j);21 }22 int query(int L,int R,int v) {23 int lb = L/SIZE,rb = R/SIZE,k = 0;24 if(lb == rb) {25 for(int i = L; i <= R; ++i)26 k += (A[i] < v);27 } else {28 for(int i = L; i < (lb+1)*SIZE; ++i)29 if(A[i] < v) ++k;30 for(int i = rb*SIZE; i <= R; ++i)31 if(A[i] < v) ++k;32 for(int i = lb+1; i < rb; ++i)33 k += lower_bound(block[i],block[i]+SIZE,v) - block[i];34 }35 return k;36 }37 void update(int p,int x) {38 if(A[p] == x) return;39 int old = A[p],pos = 0,*B = &block[p/SIZE][0];40 A[p] = x;41 while(B[pos] < old) ++pos;42 B[pos] = x;43 while(pos < SIZE-1 && B[pos] > B[pos + 1]) {44 swap(B[pos],B[pos+1]);45 ++pos;46 }47 while(pos > 0 && B[pos] < B[pos - 1]) {48 swap(B[pos],B[pos-1]);49 --pos;50 }51 }52 int main() {53 init();54 while(m--) {55 int L,R,v,p;56 scanf("%d%d%d%d",&L,&R,&v,&p);57 --L;58 --R;59 --p;60 int k = query(L,R,v);61 update(p,(LL)u*k/(R - L + 1));62 }63 for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)64 printf("%d\n",A[i]);65 return 0;66 }